Jeremy Carter, Sentira XR
Jeremy Carter
Sentira XR

With over 25 years of commercial experience in the technology industry, Jeremy Carter is a recognised leader in the intersection of technology and education. His 23-year career in learning and assessment has seen him play a pivotal role in helping to transform the educational landscape. Jeremy has been instrumental in implementing some of the largest e-assessment programs in the UK, collaborating with leading awarding organisations through his work with Questionmark, BTL Group Ltd, Cirrus Assessment, and Advance EdTech.

As CEO of Sentira XR, Jeremy continues to push the boundaries of innovation, leveraging Virtual Reality and AI to create cutting-edge solutions in the assessment space. His deep commitment to the role of technology in education drives his work, as he seeks to harness new possibilities for enhancing learning experiences.

Jeremy is also a sought-after speaker and regular contributor at industry conferences, where he shares his insights and experiences, helping to shape the future of technology in education. 

My Sessions
Is VR and AI the future of practical assessment?
Breakout Salon Dresden
Session topics
risr/ - Sponsor Session: AI - The Future is Human
Salon Durieux